The 48 Best Books About Intentional Community Living

Published February 8, 2023
Written by Cynthia Tina
40 Books about Intentional Community Living

Here’s your library of books about intentional community living.

Ever wonder what it’s like to live in an intentional community? Want to strengthen relationships within your own community? Curious about what’s possible when we come together to co-create?

The collection below will give you everything you need to understand: 1. Why community matters, 2. How to start or join a community, and 3. How to develop your community skills.

Included are old-favorites, recent releases, and a few titles not yet on the press but sure to inspire. The focus is on residential or place-based communities, but some manuals for online community building are included as well. 

Cozy up on the couch or chill on your lawn chair with these community-building reads.

After finishing the last page, you’re guaranteed to want to throw a potluck and hand them out to your neighbors!

48 Books about Intentional Community Living

Fresh Releases in 2024

1. Community Led Housing: A Cohousing Development Approach

Ronaye Matthew and Margaret Critchlow | 2024

Everything you need to know to achieve your dream of living in community, all in one book… If founding members and their professionals follow the experience-based path we outline, they can learn how to be effective in a development context where time is money but collaboration, self-responsibility, and community connection are equally important.

Together: A Blueprint for Collaborative Living: Towards Collective Self-Organisation in Housing

2. Together: A Blueprint for Collaborative Living: Towards Collective Self-Organisation in Housing

Darinka Czischke | 2024

Many people are starting to turn towards community-oriented, affordable and environmentally sustainable housing options. Together is a collection of essays, interviews and case studies addressing the revival of collaborative living in the Netherlands and beyond.

 Creating an Urban Ecovillage: A Model for Revitalizing Our Cities

3.  Creating an Urban Ecovillage: A Model for Revitalizing Our Cities

Jim Schenk | 2024

Curious how Ecovillages can revitalize our cities? This book presents ideas of ways others can develop an Ecovillage in their neighborhood and how it can create community and ecological sustainability.

Books about the need for community

Brave New Home: Our Future in Smarter, Simpler, Happier Housing

4. Brave New Home: Our Future in Smarter, Simpler, Happier Housing

Diana Lind | 2020

Do you feel like the American Dream of single-family homes, white picket fences, and two-car garages has became a lonely, overpriced nightmare? This refreshing read explores how new trends in housing can help us live better.

Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World

5. Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World

Vivek H Murthy M.D. | 2020

Are we in a social recession? Here’s a book that dives into the importance of human connection, the hidden impact of loneliness on our health, and the social power of community.

Together Resilient: Building Community in the Age of Climate Disruption

6. Together Resilient: Building Community in the Age of Climate Disruption

Yana Ludwig | 2017

Feeling the weight of climate chaos? Here’s a hopeful tale about how intentional communities are responding to climate disruption with citizen-led action, compassion, and cooperation.

The Practice of Belonging

7. With a Little Help From Our Friends

Beth Baker | 2014

This books highlights innovative, grassroots ways to live as people approach retirement, options that ensure they are surrounded by a circle of friends, family, and neighbors.

 On Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation

8. On Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation

Kim Samuel | 2022

If you are longing for belonging, you are not alone. Here’s a book to shine light on the pathways towards creating deeper connection in your life in this age of isolation.

The Practice of Belonging

9. The Practice of Belonging

Lisa Kentgen, PhD | 2023

Here’s an inspirational guide to the 6 core qualities of healthy communities, for anyone looking to build community as a source of connection and a vehicle for social change.

Books about community living skills

Community: The Structure of Belonging

10. Community: The Structure of Belonging

Peter Block | 2018

A classic on the building blocks of community. Here you will find simple wisdom for how to reweave our social fabric, especially in our neighborhoods.

The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters

11. The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters

Priya Parker | 2020

A new release exploring one of the essential element in community glue — gathering. Parker sets forth a human-centered approach to gathering that will help everyone create meaningful, memorable experiences, large and small, for work and for play.

Joyfully Together: The Art of Building a Harmonious Community

12. Joyfully Together: The Art of Building a Harmonious Community

Thich Nhat Hanh | 2005

Thich Nhat Hanh brings his wisdom to bear on the subject of community living. Drawing from ancient Buddhist, here’s a practical guide for how to solve conflicts large and small.

The Cooperative Culture Handbook

13. The Cooperative Culture Handbook

Yana Ludwig and Karen Gimnig | 2020

With 52 transformative group and individual exercises, this is a practical toolkit for groups to solve problems, build community, and change culture towards greater empathy and authenticity.

Growing Eco Communities

14. Growing Eco Communities

Jan Bang | 2007

A hidden gem of a book, here is a one-of-a-kind exploration of the lifecycle of intentional communities. The author draws from his experiences visiting communities throughout the world.

The Art of Community: Seven Principles for Belonging

15. The Art of Community: Seven Principles for Belonging

Charles Vogl | 2016

Universal principles can be found here on how to foster all kinds of community, including intentional residential ones.

The Empowerment Manual

16. The Empowerment Manual

Starhawk | 2011

Using the example of a fictional ecovillage, Starhawk guides us through exercises and tools for creating group trust, accountability, and responsibility.

Holding Change: The Way of Emergent Strategy Facilitation and Mediation

17. Holding Change: The Way of Emergent Strategy Facilitation and Mediation

adrienne maree brown | 2021

One in a series of ground breaking books, Holding Change shares about the art of facilitation from the perspective of black feminists.

Turning to One Another

18. Turning to One Another

Margaret J. Wheatley | 2009

Margaret Wheatley has pioneered group processes for deepening relationship with each other and self. Want to make meaningful conversations happen? Look no further.

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships

19. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships

Marshall B. Rosenberg PhD | 2015

Even if you’re not a fan of NVC (non-violent communication), it’s a significant part of the lexicon in many intentional communities. Well worth becoming familiar with the theory and tools for supporting healthier communication.

Who Decides Who Decides?

20. Who Decides Who Decides?

Ted J. Rau | 2021

When you’re setting out to build community, one big question that will inevitably arise is: How are we going to make decisions together? This book answers that question.

Many Voices One Song

21. Many Voices One Song

Ted J. Rau and Jerry Koch-Gonzalez  | 2018

Here’s the essential guide for how to do sociocracy, a form of dynamic governance becoming widely adopted in intentional communities.

Consensus-Oriented Decision-Making

22. Consensus-Oriented Decision-Making

Tim Hartnett | 2011

Another common decision making practice within intentional communities, consensus enables mutual power and ownership of decisions as well as effective tools for solving problems.

Books about how to build a community

Creating a Life Together

23. Creating a Life Together

Diana Leafe Christian | 2003

Diana Leafe Christian’s classic Creating a Life Together has been a source of guidance for hundreds of community founders. Here are the steps you’ll need to take to make a community happen — from gathering a forming group to setting up legal structures, purchasing property, and more.

Beyond You and Me: Inspirations and Wisdom for Building Community

24. Beyond You and Me: Inspirations and Wisdom for Building Community

Kosha Anja Joubert and Robin Alfred (Editors) | 2014

A comprehensive guide for how to rebuild existing fragmented villages and communities, establish new group enterprises and ecovillages, and heal the wounds of conflict and social division.

Building Belonging: Your Guide to Starting a Residential Intentional Community

25. Building Belonging: Your Guide to Starting a Residential Intentional Community

Yana Ludwig | 2023

Drawing from decades of experience, Yana is finally writing a book based on her popular online course How to Start a Community. She serves on the Board of the Foundation for Intentional Community, and as a trainer and consultant for progressive projects. 

Pocket Neighborhoods: Creating Small-Scale Community in a Large-Scale World

26. Pocket Neighborhoods: Creating Small-Scale Community in a Large-Scale World

Ross Chapin | 2011

Just the photos in this lovely book are well worth giving it your time. Imagine small scale neighborhoods where people can easily know one another, where empty nesters and single householders with far-flung families can find friendship or a helping hand nearby, and where children can have shirt-tail aunties and uncles just beyond their front gate.

Community Building: What Makes It Work: A Review of Factors Influencing Successful Community Building

27. Community Building: What Makes It Work: A Review of Factors Influencing Successful Community Building

Paul W Mattessich, Wilder Research Center, Paul Mattessich, Barbara Monsey | 1997

An oldie but goodie, that’s worth securing a copy of while you can. This practical guide shows you what really does (and doesn’t) contribute to community building success laid out in 28 keys.

Builders of the Dawn: Community Lifestyles in a Changing World

28. Builders of the Dawn: Community Lifestyles in a Changing World

Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson | 1990

Another one from the archives that deserves thoughtful consideration. Here you’ll find an overview of community lifestyles based on interviews with many community founders.

The Cohousing Handbook: Building a Place for Community

29. The Cohousing Handbook: Building a Place for Community

Kelly ScottHanson and Chris ScottHanson | 2004

Cohousing offers an end to the isolation of the single-family suburban home. Balancing community and personal privacy, cohousing is a chance to create a modern village in an urban or rural setting. Here’s a guide to make it happen.

Creating Cohousing: Building Sustainable Communities

30. Creating Cohousing: Building Sustainable Communities

Kathryn McCamant and Charles Durrett | 2011

One of the essential books for cohousing enthusiasts, written by the architects who brought the model to the US from Denmark. It’s a manual for creating a life of both independence and connection.

The Senior Cohousing Handbook

31. The Senior Cohousing Handbook

Charles Durrett | 2005

A unique guide to joining or creating a cohousing project specifically for seniors who want to age in intentional community.

Cohousing Communities: Designing for High-Functioning Neighborhoods

32. Cohousing Communities: Designing for High-Functioning Neighborhoods

Charles Durrett | 2022

The latest to hit bookshelves from prolific cohousing designer, Charles Durrett, here’s a start-to-finish guide for designing high-functioning neighborhoods. Filled with gorgeous photos.

How to Build a Regenerative Village

33. How to Build a Regenerative Village

TreehouseDAO | 2023

An illustrated book that weaves together lineages of wisdom and practical experience from a worldwide tribe of regenerative village builders. It was co-created by a multidisciplinary team of 28 regenerative pioneers during an 11-day mastermind. Available in digital now. Fundraising for the print version.

Intentional Communities Type Quiz

Books about how to find your community

Finding Community: How to Join an Ecovillage or Intentional Community

34. Finding Community: How to Join an Ecovillage or Intentional Community

Diana Leafe Christian | 2007

Diana Leafe Christian’s other book that’s less well known. Here’s an overview of the types of intentional communities — including ecovillages, cohousing, and more — as well as practical guidance for the phases of visiting, membership, and beyond.

Belong: Find Your People, Create Community, and Live a More Connected Life

35. Belong: Find Your People, Create Community, and Live a More Connected Life

Radha Agrawal | 2018

This book is highly recommended for anyone who wants practical advice and exercises for building a more connected life. Your blueprint to find your people and build and nurture community is here.

The Communities Directory, Edition VII

36. The Communities Directory, Edition VII

Foundation for Intentional Community | 2016

The print version of the directory of communities, with informative articles, charts, maps, and more. It’s a bit dated but still fun to flip through so many communities.

Adventures in Opting Out: A Field Guide to Leading an Intentional Life

37. Adventures in Opting Out: A Field Guide to Leading an Intentional Life

Cait Flanders | 2020

A novel to add to this list, here’s a captivating tale about what can happen when you finally do that thing you’re afraid of — opting out.

Finding a Community

38. Finding a Community

Foundation for Intentional Community | 2018

A compilation of decades of stories from Communities Magazine, here are tools, advice, and perspectives that will help anyone searching for an intentional community.

Find Your People: Building Deep Community in a Lonely World

39. Find Your People: Building Deep Community in a Lonely World

Jennie Allen | 2022

In a world that’s both more connected and more isolating than ever before, we’re often tempted to do life alone, whether because we’re so busy or because relationships feel risky and hard. Don’t do this. Go find your people.

The Spare Room: Define Your Social Legacy to Live a More Intentional Life and Lead with Authentic Purpose

40. The Spare Room: Define Your Social Legacy to Live a More Intentional Life and Lead with Authentic Purpose

Emily Chang | 2021

For those not interested or able to up and move into an intentional community, here’s what you can do instead. Live an intentional life and learn how to share.

Books about community living case studies

Ecovillages: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Communities

41. Ecovillages: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Communities

Jan Martin Bang | 2005

A global survey of ecovillages around the world, this book is sure to inspire you to travel, create, and certainly want to live in one of these sustainable communities.

Cohousing for Life

42. Cohousing for Life

Robin Allison | 2020

Part memoir, part guidebook about one woman’s determined journey to develop the first cohousing community in New Zealand.

EcoVillage at Ithaca: Pioneering a Sustainable Culture

43. EcoVillage at Ithaca: Pioneering a Sustainable Culture

Liz Walker | 2005

Here’s the story of how the largest ecovillage in the US came to be, through the perceptive of the woman who helped make it happen.

Voices from The Farm: Second Edition

44. Voices from The Farm: Second Edition

Rupert Fike | 1998

Want to blast to the past to learn what the hippie-era communities really were like? Discover the answers as members of The Farm (past and present) recount some of their more memorable experiences.

We Built a Village

45. We Built a Village

Diane Rothbard Margolis | 2022

One of the newest books about community living to join the collection, here’s the tale of one of the first cohousing communities in the US.

Ecovillage Living: Restoring the Earth and Her People

46. Ecovillage Living: Restoring the Earth and Her People

Hildur Jackson and Karen Svensson | 2002

Everything you’ve always wanted to know about ecovillages is here. Enjoy this vibrant story of people spearheading a lifestyle which is rapidly growing into a new global culture.

Reinventing Community: Stories from the Walkways of Cohousing

47. Reinventing Community: Stories from the Walkways of Cohousing

David Wann | 2005

A collection of first hand experiences from inside cohousing communities, offering a glimpse at the personalities and dynamic that make them work.

48. Everyday Utopia: What 2,000 Years of Wild Experiments Can Teach Us About the Good Life

Kristen R. Ghodsee | 2023

Curious about the history and practice of utopian communities and ideals or exploring how diverse societies across two millennia have sought to create better, more fulfilling ways of living? This book examines the successes, failures, and enduring lessons of these experimental communities, offering insights into how their innovative approaches can inform our quest for a more just, equitable, and harmonious world.

Where to start reading? Beginner books about intentional community living

If the list above seems daunting and you just want to dip your toes into the world of intentional communities, this Community Beginners Guide article will give you a solid foundation to start with. 

From there, you can’t go wrong with one of Dianna Leaf Christian’s authoritative books on either: finding a community or starting a community, depending on which path you want to explore. These books are slightly dated, but provide a grounded review of the process towards getting into an intentional community.

For guidance on how to do the personal work necessary to prepare yourself for community, the book Belong is an excellent read and workbook for you.

Looking for advice on your community journey? Joining a community matchmaking session will give you clarity about your next steps, as well as a list of communities that are a fit for you. 

A life filled with connection, belonging, and purpose is totally possible for you and your loved ones. 

Don’t stop learning after diving into these books! The real adventure begins when you put your knowledge to use and start making some community happen.

Note: The links above include affiliate links to the Foundation to Intentional Community and Amazon. A small percentage of each sale made using these links will go to CommunityFinders at no additional cost to you. 

See a book that’s missing from the list? Help grow our collective knowledge by leaving a comment below! Don’t forget to include a link to where people can find the book. 


  1. Mati D.

    Hi Cynthia!
    This is Mati at Lampa Mountain Community. I met you at a community’s conference in VA some years back. Thanks for continuing your passionate work! Our community has been thriving for over 40 years, and two of our founding members wrote a wonderful book called “Towards Enlightened Community” which is available at FIC here:


  2. Graham Meltzer

    I could recommend a couple of my own books, both available from Amazon… ‘Findhorn Reflections: A very personal take on life inside the famous spiritual community and ecovillage’ and ‘Sustainable Community: Learning from the Cohousing Model’.

    • Cynthia

      Thank you Graham! Great additions and we’ll be sure to add them to the post the next time we do an update.

  3. Fleure
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Cynthia Tina

Hi! I’m Cynthia.

I’ve visited 150+ intentional communities — ecovillages, cohousing, coops, spiritual, permaculture, & more types of community. I created CommunityFinders to help you on your community journey. How is your journey going? How can I help?

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Have you ever dreamed of traveling to inspirational communities and ecovillages? Now you can with Ecovillage Tours.

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